Clear Ceramic Braces and How They Work?

image of a teen with clear Ceramic Braces

What Are Ceramic Braces?

Ceramic braces use clear or tooth colored brackets as opposed to the metallic wiring of normal braces. Despite this aesthetic and material difference, they perform the same job and do so rather effectively. They’re an ideal option for anyone concerned that they will feel self conscious while wearing braces and can make the process more comfortable and appealing. But that doesn’t mean they’re right for everybody. As with everything, ceramic braces have their pros and cons.

Why Ceramic Braces May Be Right For You

The biggest benefit of ceramic braces is that they are less visible and obvious than normal braces that use metal wiring. The coloring is more subdued and matches the natural color of teeth. On top of that you do have some options when it comes to picking your colors. While Invisalign is the ideal for those who want teeth alignment without braces, ceramic braces move teeth into alignment much quicker. Another great benefit of ceramic braces is that their lack of metal means they won’t interfere with any imaging tests you need to get during the course you wear them.

Why Ceramic Braces May Not Be Right for You

Posted on July 7th, 2020
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